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What is HypnoBirthing?

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anticipation of the birth

Birth is not always easy. It's related to so many feelings. And we are afraid that something will happen. But life is never completely safe. And never will be. And that's why we can let go of our fears and look forward to the birth of our child. That's right! We can be grateful that we have such a wonderful body that knows exactly how to give birth and a child that knows exactly how it wants to be born. There are factors you can prepare for. You can do your utmost during pregnancy to prepare yourself optimally for the birth of your child - there really is a lot. And there are factors that cannot be influenced. This part is out of your hands.

Hypnobirthing paves the way for a natural birth and strengthens your confidence in your ability to give birth naturally and by yourself. Through education and physical and mental preparation, you can bring your child into the world in a self-determined, safe and fearless manner - just as you wish. You will learn how a deep state of relaxation helps you to have a gentle birth. You experience the birth of your child in a highly concentrated and relaxed manner. Your body and your child work together harmoniously and perfectly coordinated.


Relaxation is the key

If you are afraid of giving birth, your entire musculature tenses up. The baby is pressing against a rock-hard wall of the uterus and this causes excruciating pain for you as a mom. This is called the fear-tension-pain cycle. HypnoBirthing explains how you can break this cycle again and again during childbirth and you learn how to work together with the pressure rather than against it. It is interesting to know how the annular and longitudinal muscle layers of your uterus actually work. Because then it becomes clear...




Unit 1

Introduction to Hypnobirthing 

Relaxation is the key to a smooth, natural birth.
In the first unit I will explain what hypnobirthing is - and what it is not. You will learn how to best prepare yourself mentally for the birth. We look at how a natural birth takes place and what framework conditions are required for it. It's incredibly logical how the muscles of the uterine layers work and how hormones control the entire process of childbirth - and that's what it means: childbirth is nothing to be afraid of. It's something that needs to be understood.

Unit 2
How fear affects childbirth

"Fear and ignorance are the greatest enemies of natural childbirth" Dr. Dick Read. Unit 2 is about your fears - and you become aware of what you want in relation to the coming birth. It is so important to understand the effects that anxiety has on the body and therefore on the entire labor process. We also take a look at what options there are for prenatal care and what all the “ruptures” are during pregnancy and during childbirth.






The hypnobirthing techniques


This unit includes all the techniques you need for the birth of your child! The 3 breathing techniques, self-hypnosis, visualization technique, birth affirmations, birth anchors, light-touch massage, meditation, relaxation techniques, etc. With the right breathing, you support the work of the uterine muscles and can thus shorten the birth process. In addition, with the right breathing, you bring enough oxygen to the baby so that it is well supplied at all times. Under birth, breathing is all you have and all you need. With breathing you can connect with yourself and your baby at any time.

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Course Overview



Unit 4
The natural birth process

The 4th unit deals with the anatomy and the physical process of childbirth. Also, what positions can make birth easier, what special circumstances there are that need medical attention, and the birth of the placenta in all its magic. (Incl. packing list - so it's all about preparing for the birth of your child)






Unit 5
place of birth and birth attendant

What role does the chosen place of birth play? What role does the chosen birth attendant play? The child is 50%-50% born and you as a woman can give birth optimally if there is a 50%-50% division of tasks during the birth. This means that the partner/birth attendant plays an incredibly important role and we take a close look at the duties of the birth attendant. You can now state exactly what YOU want and what tasks your birth attendant should take on.

Unit 6
The postpartum

Postpartum is a very special time after giving birth. time to heal the body. Baby bonding time. That's why I'm giving you the 5 important pillars in the postpartum period and tips for a relaxed environment and, if necessary, breastfeeding. For you and for your baby.

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